Brojack Williams - Founder and President of Brojack Ministries

My name is Brojack Williams, and I am a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am a graduate of Liberty University and an ordained minister with a Certificate of Ordination and a Certificate of License. That means I am licensed to preach and teach the Gospel, perform marriages, administer the Sacraments, and to direct other functions of the ministry.
I was an Associate Pastor at a non-denominational church for nine years until God called me into Evangelism. In 2010 God led me to Death Row in the State of Texas as a volunteer chaplain. Out of those visits to Death Row Brojack Ministries was birthed. At first, I did not understand why God would send me into Death Row, however as I started my visits it became clear as to His purpose. After ministering in that place every week for 3-1/2 years His purpose became crystal clear. We are to spread the message of Jesus Christ wherever God leads us.
After Death Row, God Lead me to minister to incarcerated juveniles. For six years I went weekly into the Harris County Juvenile Probation Center in Houston, TX to give a presentation on death row in hopes that the inmates there will change their direction and seek the face of God.
And last but not least, by the direction of God I have been able to write a book called “18 Doors“. This book tells about the horrible beginnings of my life, how God changed it, and my interactions with many death row inmates.It can provide you a perspective of God’s mercy and forgiveness for even the vilest human beings. Also, if you come from or are currently in an environment of drugs, alcohol, or violence and want to change your life, this book is for you.
God bless you.
Margie Williams - Certified Non-Profit Professional

My name is Margie Williams and I currently serve with Brojack Ministries.
I believe that through the support of a solid business structure, organizations can better meet their vision and increase their impact in the world. There are legal as well as ethical reasons to assure this structure is built and followed, but sometimes an organization doesn’t realize a gap exists. By reviewing these business essentials together, we can find where the organization is excelling, and if issues need to be addressed.
I have been blessed to be a part of live-giving churches since I was young. After graduating with a degree in mechanical engineering, I joined a major oil company. This allowed me to move every few years and participate in a variety of churches, ministries and missions in the U.S. and across the world. Over the years, God developed a heart in me for international missions and compassion for the local church.
After leaving the oil industry, I served as the Executive Director for a startup church and have worked on a nonprofit board. To better support these types of organizations, I have earned a credential as a Certified Nonprofit Professional through the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance as well as certificates in Church Administration and Nonprofit Management.
Please let me know if I can be of assistance to you and your organization.